Review performed by an Immigration Attorney

Depending upon the length of the record


Crimmigration is the complicated intersection where criminal law meets immigration law.

U.S. Immigration Law requires non-citizens to have a good moral character. If you have ever had any contact with Law Enforcement Agencies (Local Police, Sheriffs, State Police or Highway Patrol), it is extremely important to request your criminal history and arrest records to help determine whether you are eligible for any immigration relief or benefit, and to assess any potential risks or immigration consequences associated with your criminal conviction(s).

Contact with Law Enforcement Agencies could have resulted for varying reasons, but not limited to the following examples:

  • Being arrested for driving under the influence (DUI);
  • Being arrested for domestic violence (DV);
  • Being arrested for shoplifting;
  • Receiving a citation for public disorderliness;
  • Agreeing to a plea bargain with a prosecutor;
  • Violating probation or parole.

Even if you have been arrested or convicted of a crime, you may still be able to apply for some forms of immigration relief. However, there are certain types of crimes that will completely disqualify you from eligibility for relief. Even if you believe that your crimes and record have been expunged and the charges eventually dismissed, a record of your arrest(s) and conviction(s) still exists and may have immigration consequences.

Signature can provide you with step-by-step instructions on how to request your criminal disposition records from Law Enforcement Agencies, the FBI and State Government Agencies.

After you have obtained any and all criminal history rap sheet(s) and complete court disposition records, one of Signature’s experienced and independent Immigration Attorneys will thoroughly review and analyze your criminal record in its entirety and determine whether any exceptions apply to your specific situation.

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